Our approach to lawn care and plant care has continued to improve through the years. We now use a combination of organic fertilizers, beneficial microbes, and natural nutrient sources to encourage maximum grass and plant growth. This takes advantage of nature's natural nutrient cycle and recycle. No use of harmful chemicals. No synthetics. 100% natural and organic. Organic Fertilizers
Among all key primary nutrients found in all fertilizers, Phosphorus is of a main concern for the environment. Phosphorus is a mobile nutrient which can leach and hurt aquatic resources. Grass in general does not need a lot of phosphorus to propagate. This is the reason why when soil phosphorus content is low, the organic fertilizers we use have very low phosphorus content. And when soil phosphorus content is sufficient, we use phosphorus-free organic fertilizers to promote clean water in rivers, lakes, bays, and wetlands. Our practice has always been to use products and create services that work with nature, not against it, and for all our clients to only pay for the services they actually need and to not take advantage of that trust. NUTRIENT CONTENT: Nitrogen Phosphorus/Phosphate (AS NEEDED) Calcium Iron Actively Aerated Compost Tea TreatmentsActively Aerated Compost Tea (AACT) in general is a liquefied biological amendment made by maneuvering beneficial organisms from a highly active organic pile into an aerated water solution with various food sources. Our specific AACT treatment has been professionally brewed from only the highest quality, pathogen-free, weed-free, pet friendly and bacteria-dominant organic compost, all-natural organic earthworm castings, fish hydrolysate, brown algae, soghum grass, sugar cane (NOT from genetically engineered), and highly aerobic, chlorine-free water. AACT helps accelerate organic matter decomposition like thatch and leaves, improves soil's aggregation to increase water-holding capacity, and reduce soil compaction by adding beneficial microbes for both grass and plants. It contains 12 bioavailable essential nutrients grass and plants need for optimum growth. The advantage of the tea is that specialized recipes can be developed and fine-tuned to target specific lawn conditions and plant needs. Careful application of AACT can speed up the process of balancing the soil biology. The challenge, however, is achieving the proper mix. This requires a lot of time and testing because there is no way to ensure that one had brewed the proper amount and types of immobile and mobile bacterial populations, protozoas, rotifers, fungal hyphaes, and nematodes other than to test each and every batch, analyze under a microscope, and monitor the results. The amount of beneficial organisms found in AACT makes it particularly favorable for lawns and trees. NUTRIENT CONTENT: Nitrogen Phosphorus/Phosphate Calcium Iron Soluble Potash Magnesium Sulfur Copper Manganese Molybdenum Sodium Zinc Mulching Grass Clippings
NUTRIENT CONTENT: Nitrogen Potassium Phosphorus/Phosphate Boron Copper Iron Chloride Manganese Molybdenum Zinc If you ever need help with your lawn care and plant care needs in Austin, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are very eager to help you.
50K Professional Lawn Services LLC. 844-505-5296. Austin, Texas.
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