4 Reasons To Hire Licensed Private Haulers in AustinAustinites, there are unlicensed individuals and companies advertising to haul away yard debris, junk, or trash on Craigslist, Facebook, or elsewhere. Be very careful, private haulers operating in the City of Austin are required to be licensed haulers. Here are the top 4 reasons why you should only hire properly licensed haulers in Austin, Texas. Reason 1: Commercial Insurance CertificationPrivate haulers licensed by the City of Austin are required to have adequate commercial vehicle insurance to operate a hauling business within the city limits. Here's a list of required limits imposed by the City of Austin: a. Bodily Injury Liability Limit: $250,000.00 b. Bodily Injury Limit for Each Accident: $500,000.00 c. Property Damage Liability Limit for Each Accident: $100,000.00 d. Uninsured Motorist Bodily Injury Limit for Each Accident: $500,000.00 e. Uninsured Motorist Property Damage Limit for Each Accident: $100,000.00 The City of Austin's licensing requirement is fairly simple. Doing this for long hours everyday, workers get tired and accidents may happen. The city's licensing goal is to protect the public from unexpected incidents. Reason 2: Properly Marked VehiclesLicensed private haulers in Austin have their vehicles inspected yearly and have appropriate signages on display. Their vehicles are marked with the company's name and identifiable contact information, as well as hauling license stickers on both front doors. They are easily identifiable. If something goes awry wrong, you will know who to contact right away. Reason 3: Fully RegisteredLicenses on the vehicle's doors are identifiable back to individuals, partnerships, or corporations. We are individuals and entities who work and live in our communities. You won't see a fly by night licensed hauler. However, the same can NOT be said for unregistered and unlicensed individuals and entities working under the radar. Reason 4: Responsible DisposalYour trees, shrubs, and general lawn debris will be recycled to create new compost and mulch. If there is anything we can't recycle, re-use, or re-purpose, we make sure to dispose it properly and responsibly at our neighborhood landfills.
Organic Yard Debris Hauling
$110.00 - $530.00
Includes minimum labor charge to setup, load, haul, and environmentally responsible disposal of organic yard debris. What can we haul away? We can haul away soil, compost, mulch, organic debris such as fallen trees, plants, leaves, unpainted/unstained wood, and all types of landscape rocks. We do NOT haul away concrete or stained/painted wood. Why? We are not able to Recycle, Reuse, or Repurpose them: We are all about the three R's.
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Got Lawn Debris?Lawn debris are mostly organic matter made of leaves, grass clippings, branches, fruits, seeds, and nuts. At normal levels, they are excellent natural fertilizers . For example, grass clippings cut at 1/2 an inch gets reabsorbed by the lawn in only a few days. Leaves, on the other hand, can be re-purposed as natural mulch for trees and plant beds. Fruits return an abundance of nutrients back to the soil. At manageable levels, they are a welcome addition to an already healthy lawn. |
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