Organic fertilizers are a great option for promoting healthy plant growth without relying on synthetic chemicals. Here are some tips for using organic fertilizers effectively:
Soils often don’t provide essential plant nutrients required for optimum growth. We replenish lost nutrients on plants to ensure they have enough food by giving fertilizer. Fertilizer replace lost nutrients in the soil; It has essential nutrients to plants like Nitrogen (N), Phosphorus (P) and Potassium (K). Fertilized lawns that are well maintained is better for the environment. Plants have six primary nutrients: Acquired from air and water – carbon, hydrogen and oxygen and the other one Comes from varying sources, including fertilizer – nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium Nitrogen – supports overall plant health and above-ground growth. It deepens green color in grasses and plant. Phosphorus – is essential for strong root development. It improves fruit growth and seed production. Potassium – necessary for optimum plant health. It improves water retention and protects plants from cold. FERTILIZATION Many gardeners fall under false impression that if their plants don’t produce or unhealthy – giving fertilizer will fix the problem. On the other hand, inappropriately giving fertilizer can result in unfruitful or unhealthy plants. Basic Types of Fertilizer Natural or Organic Based Fertilizer – came from plant, animal microbes or mineral. Examples of organic-based / ingredients include: Plant – alfalfa, cottonseed meal or seaweed; Animal – bone meal or manure; Microorganisms – heat-dried microbes and Mineral – green sand or rock phosphate Synthetic or Non-Organic Fertilizer – a chemical nutrients that deliver rapidly. There are advantages and disadvantages on quick release nutrients. Synthetic fertilizers deliver nutrients immediately taken up by plant roots. This immediate availability can burn plants if too much fertilizer is applied. Any synthetic nutrients that do not absorb by the plants are very prone to leaching out of the landscape or garden beds. Synthetic fertilizers act as a water-soluble product, to be readily available for root uptake. They travel on out into the environment or into watersheds or aquifers, if they aren’t taken up. Therefore, careful and proper application must be provided. However, organic nutrients are in a form that is not easily absorbed immediately. Organic based or natural fertilizer nutrients depend on microorganisms in the soil to break and digest those nutrients down into a form – then - available to be absorbed by plants. Natural fertilizer has a slow take effect in cold weather because the microorganisms in the soil are less active. This process means organic based nutrients are not prone to leach and may contain a low salt index. There is a minimal risk of dehydration and burning, even in times of drought or over application. Therefore, organic based fertilizers enrich the soil and provide ongoing effects. A study in Stanford University determined that nitrate leached approximately five times on synthetic fertilizer than organic fertilizer. FERTILIZER NUTRIENTSA fertilizer that is high in nitrogen boost lawn growth at the beginning of the growing season. Example providers are dried blood, blood meal, cottonseed meal, fish emulsion and seaweed extract or fish fertilizer. A fertilizer that is high in phosphorus and potassium toughen up your plants or lawn for environmental stresses like drought or cold. Example providers are bone meal, rock phosphate. A fertilizer that is high in phosphorus power up to bloom your shrubs and perennials. Example providers are greensand, sulfate of potash. Organic Nutrient Release Rates Blood meal and types of manure – available to plant roots within 2–6 weeks. Alfalfa, Clover and Rye - available to plant roots within 2–6 months. Eggshells and Fish Emulsion – available to plants quickly often used within 2 weeks. Heat dried microorganisms (microbes that ate well, died and dried to provide nutrients) available to plant up to 8-10 weeks Organic ingredients help balance the soil to a neutral (6.5-7.0) pH. A good example is compost. As you add it to your soil, it will tend toward neutral. WHY DOES IT MATTER? We have to be wiser when it comes on spending money. We need to choose the one that can benefit us and our lawn. Synthetic fertilizers have quick results, but you need to be careful on following package directions and its nutrient levels need to be chosen wisely in order to prevent leaching that can contaminate our water resources. Organic fertilizers are slow moving but you can make long term investment of natural ingredients.
50K Professional Lawn Services LLC. 844-505-5296. Austin, Texas.
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